Welcome to Demonstrating Scholarly Impact in Health Professions Education (HPE).
The purpose of this Online Supplement (OS) is to guide HPE researchers, educators, and leaders in critically examining what ‘counts’ as impact. Current metrics (often quantitative) for evaluating scholarly impact in academic health sciences do not recognize the various ways scholars contribute to HPE. This OS provides activities to support your understanding and critical questioning of metrics, differentiating productivity from impact, and provides alternatives to meaningfully track and represent impact in HPE.
While this OS was developed in a Canadian context, concepts applicable to other contexts will be shared.
Please note this OS is not about how to have impact, but rather how to track, describe, and more fulsomely represent the impacts from your work that might not currently be captured by traditional metrics.
This OS was inspired and informed by movements in the research impact community to broaden how scholarship is evaluated. More details and information on various movements to follow.